HereNowYoga is Kim Drye's personal yoga brand under which she offers therapeutic private appointments, workshops, special events, and retreats.
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"She is heartfelt and clear in her communication, a delightful experience."- A. Scenechal
Yoga leaves me feeling empowered and hopeful, and I hope to spread these feelings to my students. Teaching also holds me accountable to my own personal practice by helping me to stay disciplined and centered in what often feels like a whirlwind of existence.
A quote from Rumi that resonates with me says, "There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground." This quote emphasizes to me that acceptance and humility should be a part of my human existence. I feel that striving towards these principles in my classes creates a learning environment in which there is less fear of embarrassment, an obstacle for many people (new or experienced) to yoga. I bring to my classes an environment of acceptance and humility that, hopefully, encourages students to come to yoga and explore.
I began practicing yoga in college, in a period of intense self-study and soul searching. My yoga mat created an environment where I felt safe to explore my own thoughts. With time, my asana practice became merely a backdrop in which to explore my mind. Yoga has helped me to manage my stress and anxiety by showing me what of myself is constant and true. All of my life has become this practice of self-study and learning.